ADTRAN 6540 Express Setup Guide

We will be using a Hyperterminal to setup the modem.
Modem Setup;
Com Ports :  N
Port Setting, you may click default button to simplify setup;
9600 bits per second
8 for Data Bits
None for Parity
1 for Stop Bits
None for Flow Control

Using the modem as 2W in Point-to-Point Setup.

Power-Up the modem
Connect the cable (RJ45) using pin 1 & 2 as Tip and Ring of a line between Modem A and Modem B
LTU Side
First, we have to identify which is the LTU and the NTU modem
In an above sample, we will be using the Modem A as an LTU, 
Goto MainMenu then select the Unit Information, if the modem is in default setup which is in NTU Mode.
Goto MainMenu> Provisioning> Unit Option
Unit mode
Under Unit mode select, LTU
Set the modem to use a 2W line
Goto MainMenu> Provisioning
Interface Mode
Select the 2W
Set the modem Payload Rate, we will be using a 512kbps as a sample rate
Goto MainMenu> Provisionong
Payload Rate
In Payload Rate Page, we used the Nx64 formula or 512 / 64 = N, N=8
After setting the Payload Rate, we will goto Cross-Connection Map to activate the payload
Goto MainMenu> Provisioning> Unit Option> Cross-Connect Map
Under Cross-Connect map, you have notice that there are 8 active payload, 
Activate every payload by entering 33 or simply type N to activate all.
Then save.
NTU Side
Set the modem as NTU, do the procedure like we set the LTU
Wait for 1 minute while the two modem synchronize
When Modem HDSL Sync, Modem A (LTU) will update the Modem B (NTU)
Goto Cross-Connect Map to activate the Payload.
Then Save.

You may leave comment to request for your own sample setup
>> More sample Setup to come <<


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    1 comment:

    1. I Mohammed from Egypt
      Mtt company
      Need know the price of the device in quantity
